!!!godot web seems to have a problem running on firefox so consider downloading!!!

Floral Realm is a strategy rpg, you move around the board to take advantage of unit abilities and fight against monster summoning alchemists.


Cursor - move using your mouse or move the cursor with arrows (not fully implemented)

Move Button -  left mouse  or [J]

Ability Button - right mouse  or  [K]


Movement - Make your move!!

You can move your units by hovering your cursor over them, then pressing the Move Button and drawing a path for the hero to follow. Afterwards, you can confirm this movement pattern by releasing the button.

Combat - Attack from the back!!

When the characters move to a tile where an enemy is located you enter a battle. The enemy's defence decreases based on the direction you approach them, if you attack them from the side, they will get -1 defence, if from the back, they get -2 defence.

Defence - Hide in the trees!!

Every character has a base defence of 1. Additionally, you have +1 defence when in the bushes and +2 defence  when hiding in the trees.  When in combat, every unit of defence has a 55% chance to deflect the attack.

Lanterns - Destroy them!!

They increase defence of enemy monster units by +1, try destroying them to decrease their defence!

GameDesign Doc.



Floral Realm win.zip 29 MB
FLORAL REALM Linux.zip 26 MB